From Kuta Utara to KL: Bali's Warung Eropa has opened its first Malaysian outpost in The Exchange TRX, a beautiful little space for bebek.
Its prime platter is the Bebek Goreng Set (RM69.90), showcasing half a duck, crisp and fresh to the bite, hot and tender to the chew, satisfyingly flavourful in every mouthful. rounded out with steamed rice, urap-urap, sambal merah and sambal matah.
Other signature specialities include Rawon Malam, a beef soup that's dark and deep with buah keluak, soulful and savoury, served with steamed rice, sambal and prawn cracker (RM39.90).
Cocktails complete the experience - sip on Nusa Dua (rum with coconut liqueur, triple sec and jackfruit) and Ubud (gin with kaffir leaf, lemongrass and lime) to embrace the vacation vibes.

Warung Eropa
The Exchange TRX, Kuala Lumpur.