Eat Drink KL: Gugubakes: CNY Huat Beet Sourdough Bread

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Gugubakes: CNY Huat Beet Sourdough Bread

Every month, Gugubakes offers a few interesting new varieties of rustic sourdough loaves. February's Lunar New Year special is the Huat Beet (RM16), sweet with goji berries, slightly zesty with oranges, in tender-crumbed bread that's easy on the jaw. Our carbs came with organic flour crackers, earthy with flax and sesame seeds, savoury with Parmesan.

We have faith that Gugubakes' other flavours would also be enjoyable; recent varieties have included Honey Goo Goo, Thyme for Olives and Cran(ky)berry.


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